Who is the therapy for?choose oneMyselfFamily MemberClient/PatientFriend“Believe in Virtual Care.” Gender Male Female Non-Binary Prefer not to disclose "Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all.” -Erik Erikson What are you struggling with?* Anxiety Depression PTSD Stress The COVID-19 Pandemic Long-term mental health struggle Eating disorder Hoarding ADHD ADD Other “Silver Linings Teletherapy. Because your happiness is important to us.”Other If insurance is selected, what PRIMARY insurance do you have?* Medicare United Healthcare BCBS Cigna Humana Aetna Alignment Healthcare Not Listed Self-pay If your insurance is not listed, please contact us at 919-948-7718. Scientists have disproven the stigmas surrounding mental health; therefore, more people have acknowledged the value of modern therapy. -goodtherapy.com. Are you ready to find your Silver Lining? What type of counselor are you looking for?* Direct Conversational Someone to give you the “warm and fuzzies” A female therapist A male therapist Open to any counselor “A failure is not a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.” -BF Skinner Name*Thank you for taking the survey. Please fill in your information so we may contact you. Email* PhoneCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Who is the therapy for?choose oneMyselfFamily MemberClient/PatientFriend“Believe in Virtual Care.” Gender Male Female Non-Binary Prefer not to disclose "Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all.” -Erik Erikson What are you struggling with?* Anxiety Depression PTSD Stress The COVID-19 Pandemic Long-term mental health struggle Eating disorder Hoarding ADHD ADD Other “Silver Linings Teletherapy. Because your happiness is important to us.”Other If insurance is selected, what PRIMARY insurance do you have?* Medicare United Healthcare BCBS Cigna Humana Aetna Alignment Healthcare Not Listed Self-pay If your insurance is not listed, please contact us at 919-948-7718. Scientists have disproven the stigmas surrounding mental health; therefore, more people have acknowledged the value of modern therapy. -goodtherapy.com. Are you ready to find your Silver Lining? What type of counselor are you looking for?* Direct Conversational Someone to give you the “warm and fuzzies” A female therapist A male therapist Open to any counselor “A failure is not a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.” -BF Skinner Name*Thank you for taking the survey. Please fill in your information so we may contact you. Email* PhoneCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Who is the therapy for?choose oneMyselfFamily MemberClient/PatientFriend“Believe in Virtual Care.” Gender Male Female Non-Binary Prefer not to disclose "Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all.” -Erik Erikson What are you struggling with?* Anxiety Depression PTSD Stress The COVID-19 Pandemic Long-term mental health struggle Eating disorder Hoarding ADHD ADD Other “Silver Linings Teletherapy. Because your happiness is important to us.”Other If insurance is selected, what PRIMARY insurance do you have?* Medicare United Healthcare BCBS Cigna Humana Aetna Alignment Healthcare Not Listed Self-pay If your insurance is not listed, please contact us at 919-948-7718. Scientists have disproven the stigmas surrounding mental health; therefore, more people have acknowledged the value of modern therapy. -goodtherapy.com. Are you ready to find your Silver Lining? What type of counselor are you looking for?* Direct Conversational Someone to give you the “warm and fuzzies” A female therapist A male therapist Open to any counselor “A failure is not a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.” -BF Skinner Name*Thank you for taking the survey. Please fill in your information so we may contact you. Email* PhoneCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.